Sandrine Dixson-Declève, Owen Gaffney, Jayati Ghosh, Jorgen Randers, Johan Rockström, Per Espen Stoknes. Earth for All - a survival guide for humanity. The Club of Rome. New Society Publishers. Gabriola Island. 2022.
- Authors' website, archived
- Sandrine Dixson-Declève on TED or direct
- Johan Rockström on TED
- Per Espen Stoknes on TED
Small book summarizes the update and follow-up from the "Limits to Growth" study from the 1970s. Completely indicts the world I was born into and had to live in.
Results described include:
- key factors needing change
- solution descriptions
- 15 policy recommendations
- calls to action for governments
- calls to action for citizens (individuals)
- play the game
- take action
Updates: Bluesky - Earth4All
Supplementary Information
Foreword by Christiana Figueres
Foreword by Elizabeth Wathuti
1 Earth for All: Five Extraordinary Turnarounds for Global Equity on a Healthy Planet
- Breakdown or Breakthrough?
- A Brief History of Future Scenarios
- From The Limits to Growth to Planetary Boundaries
The Earth for All Initiative
- Eliminate Poverty
- Eliminate Inequality
- Empower Women
- Improve Food Production
- Improve Energy Use
- People Support Economic Systems Change
2 Exploring Two Scenarios: Too Little Too Late or Giant Leap?
- Sidebar: What is Well Being
- Wellbeing Economic Alliance
- Dignity
- Nature
- Connection
- Fairness
- Participation
- Earth4All Wellbeing Index
- Dignity - after tax disposable income
- Nature - global surface average temperature
- Connection - government common good spending per person
- Fairness - ratio of owner income after tax to worker income after tax
- Participation - observed progress and labour participation in community and economy
- Wellbeing Economic Alliance
- A Brief Review of 1980 to 2020
- Scenario 1: Too Little Too Late
- Scenario Too Little Too Late: The Decisive Decade 2020-2030
- Scenario Too Little Too Late: 2030-2050
- Scenario Too Little Too Late: 2050 and beyond
- Scenario 2: The Giant Leap
- Scenario Giant Leap: The Decisive Decade 2020-2050
- Scenario Giant Leap: 2030-2050
- Scenario Giant Leap: 2050 and Beyond
- Which Scenario Do We Co-Create?
- Sidebar: How Good is the Earth4All Model?
3 Saying Goodbye to Poverty
- What Is Our Current Problem?
- Issue 1: A Shrunken Policy Space
- Issue 2: Destructive Trade Architecture
- Issue 3: Hurdles to Technological Access
- Turning Poverty Around
- Solution 1: Expand Policy Space and Deal with Debt
- Solution 2: Transform the Financial Architecture
- Solution 3: Transform Global Trade
- Solution 4: Improve Access to Technology and Leapfrogging
- Barriers to Solutions
- Multilateral Institutions
- Perceived and Actual Corruption
- Arbitration and Litigation
- Conclusions
4 The Inequality Turnaround: "Sharing the Dividends"
- The Problems with Economic Inequality
- Skewed Political Power
- Overconsumption Among the Rich
- Enclosure of the Commons = Privatization
- Warning: Disruption Ahead
- Measuring Inequality
- A Giant Leap Toward Greater Equality
- Progressive Redistribution of Income and Wealth
- Economic Democracy: Retraining and Empowering Workers
- Introducing Citizen Funds and a Universal Basic Dividend
- Overcoming Barriers to the Equality Levers
- Conclusions
5 The Empowerment Turnaround: "Achieving Gender Equity"
- Population
- Turning It All Around
- Transforming Education
- Our Schools Were Designed for a Different Era
- Cost Still Bars Millions of Children from Education
- Financial Independence and Leadership
- A Secure Pension and Dignified Aging
- Conclusions
6 The Food Turnaround: "Making the Food System Healthy for People and Planet"
- Consuming Earth's Biosphere
- Solution 1: Revolutionize the Way We Farm
- Solution 2: Change Our Diets
- Solution 3: Eliminate Food Loss and Waste
- Barriers
- Conclusions
7 The Energy Turnaround: "Electrifying Everything"
- Challenges
- Don't Look Up
- Solution 1: Introduce Systemic Efficiency
- Solution 2: Electrify (almost) Everything
- Solution 3: Exponential Growth in New Renewables
- The Energy Turnaround in the Earth4All Analysis
- Barriers
- Conclusions
8 From "Winner Take All" Capitalism to Earth4All Economies
- A New Economic Operating System
- The Rise of Rentier Capitalism
- Rethinking the Commons in the Anthropocene
- The Conventional Economic Gameboard
- Redrawing the Gameboard
- Short-termism: The Road to a Parasitic Financial System
- Putting the Systems Change into Effect
- How to Resolve the Systems Failure
- Conclusions
9 A Call to Action
- Potential Gains
- an end to poverty in one generation
- greater equality among people and nations
- healthy people in a healthy biosphere
- abundant clean, cheap energy
- fresh air
- gender equity
- economic resilience and security
- population stabilization
- a livable biosphere
- gain back a future
- Is Earth for All Closer Than We Think?
- social movements--the voice of the future
- crossing an economic tipping point
- technology--disruption is coming
- accelerating political momentum
- A Chorus of Voices
- Sidebar: Fifteen Policy Recommendations
- Calls to Action
- Governments
- transform polarization to social cohesion
- share wealth more fairly
- act in the interests of future generations, keep institutions that help current generation do it
- value wellbeing over financial growh
- engage with citizens about what matters for society
- foster long-term commitment and investment
- Citizens
- join movements
- elect politicians who value the future
- wherever, start conversations about how the economic transformation we need will affect you, your family, your job, your life
- How can you benefit from it?
- How can it improve your career, your education?
- Is this society transformation an opportunity to follow your dream, to change course?
- in your town, city or country, demand a citizens' assembly on economic systems change; a wise way to navigate contentious political issues
- ask your local and national politicians to act to bring our societies closer to Earth for All
- Governments
Appendix: The Earth4All Model
- Model Purpose
- Model History
- The Main Sectors in the Model
- Model Causal Loop Diagram
- Model Novelty
- The Earth for All Game