Victor, Peter A. Escape from Overshoot: economics for a planet in peril. New Society Publishers. Gabriola Island. 2023.
- Acknowledgements
- Foreword
- Prologue: A Planet in Peril
- 1 Overshoot - A Look at the Evidence
- Overshoot
- The Economy as a Sub-System of the Planet
- Material Flows
- Forests
- Agriculture
- The Great Acceleration
- Biodiversity
- 2 How to Think About the Future
- 3 Voices from the Past - Economic Growth and its Critics
- From Progress to Economic Growth
- Classical Economics and Economic Growth
- Neoclassical Economic Takes Center Stage
- Critics of Economic Growth
- Environmental Economics
- Conclusion
- 4 The Economic System - How Does It Work?
- The Neoclassical Capitalist Economy
- The Keynesian and Post-Keynesian Capitalist Economy
- The Marxian and Post-Marxian Capitalist Economy
- Conclusion
- 5 Current Trends to an Uncertain Future
- Economic Trends
- Demographic Trends
- Income Inequality Trends
- Investment Trends
- Consumption Trends
- Technology Trends
- Work Trends
- Energy Trends
- Conclusion
- 6 Green Growth - A Dangerous Distraction?
- Defining Green Growth
- Growth of Many Colors
- Does Increased Efficiency Lead to Decoupling?
- Future Prospects for Green Growth
- Stocks not Flows: The Achilles Heel of Green Growth
- Green Investment
- Barriers to Green Growth
- Decoupling Debunked
- Cost shifting
- Insufficient and inappropriate technological change
- Limited potential of recycling
- The underestimated impact of services
- Problem shifting
- Rebound effects
- Rising energy expenditures
- Conclusion
- 7 Post Growth Possibilities
- Steady-State Economy
- Circular Economy
- Wellbeing Economy
- Buen Vivir
- Doughnut Economics
- Regenerative Economy
- Degrowth
- Ecosocialism
- Conclusion
- 8 Modeling an Escape from Overshoot
- The Story So Far
- From Local to Global to Overshoot
- Contraction and Convergence
- What is Just with Regard to the Climate? J.C. Tremmel
- Reprising the Limits to Growth
- Earth4All
- End poverty
- Address gross inequality
- Shift more power to women
- Make our food system healthy for people and ecosystems
- Transition to clean energy
- The Plausibility and Possibility of a Planned Contraction of a High-Income Economy
- LowGrow SFC model
- 9 Planning an Escape from Overshoot
- Fourteen Propositions for Planning an Escape from Overshoot
- Living the Escape from Overshoot
- Reforms on the Path to Escape
- Regulating Emerging Technologies (International Risk Governance Centre)
- Alternative Forms of Provisioning (within planetary boundaries)
- Local Currencies
- Checking the Power of Rentiers
- Aiming for Satisfaction (finding flow)
- Doughnut Economics Action Lab
- Conclusion
- understand what we are escaping from
- have an idea of our desired destination
- need a path to get us to our desired destination
- an escape plan needs resources
- understand, confront, and overcome key obstacles (gross inequality of income and wealth; maldistribution of political power and influence)
- decide how best to use your talents, interests, and resources to help find an escape
- work individually and collectively
- rethink the roles our society gives households, markets, commons, and government
- Notes
- Index
- About the Author
- About New Society Publishers