I am assembling this web site to share my learning journey: from sustainability uncertainty to including deeper sustainability in engineering practice. I'll need to review the information that I have learned over the years and convert that into a comprehensive path that any of my peers can use as a crash course in practicing sustainability in any engineering field.
I currently focus on my work as a civil engineer at Stantec Consulting and intend to continue updating the site. Considering Four Thousand Weeks, I also intend to carve out some time to write on this website.
I continue as President in VECTOR pushing members to practice together and build a learning, team-of-teams organization.
I have regained my full abilities with my left arm. I still find people turning left the wrong way around traffic circles.
In November 2018, I recovered from open reduction internal fixation surgery on my left clavicle after crashing on my bicycle into a cyclist who chose to left-turn the wrong way round a traffic circle. The surgeons at Vancouver General Hospital were mostly correct about feeling "normal" by the following summer (2019). I highly recommend avoiding broken bones.