- Key ID: 5AA4 3313
- Fingerprint: 736C E8D0 6AC4 671A 5ADB DE9B AC3E DE2D 5AA4 3313
- Key ID: C25A C467
Fingerprint: A38E 6179 98C3 BE51 F6A4 2AA0 DAB1 AE65 C25A C467
- https://keybase.io/ve7det
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Imagine a world where we engage all stakeholders to pose the right question; exposing the right problem so that we can design resilient, sustainable, fit-for-purpose projects: ultimately building a sustainable society.
Serving peers to build a sustainable and resilient community. After practising civil engineering in Vancouver, British Columbia, for more than 15 years, I still look for how civil engineering can serve to build a sustainable and resilient community.
Professional Summary
Serving peers to build a sustainable and resilient community
- Builds relationships with stakeholders through listening, respect, inclusion, trust, collaboration and coaching
- Collaborates in team of teams spirit to build agile, hybrid organizations across disciplines to effectively develop solutions and deliver projects
- Applies broad field experience to design
- Delivers value organizing people, tools and priorities to design infrastructure, execute programs, implement projects, create community resources and build organizational capacity
- Manages project data for use within design teams including documents, CADD-BIM standards, base mapping, drawings, and source data
- Understands design value flow and software constraints
- Uses empirical process control to effectively deal with multiple conflicting tasks
- Builds organizational capacity to improve and excel
- Protects data security, privacy and integrity
Personal Why
Using Simon Sinek's framework from Find your why:
To inspire people to work together so that we can forge communities that respect planetary boundaries and withstand community shocks.
- Work in real teams
- Get people to share perspectives
- Choose based on the best information
- Look for the best in the situation
- Share information enthusiastically
What do we want to make shock-proof?
Practising general civil engineer - projects
Director at VECTOR
Former team captain in Vancouver Ultimate League who still misses chasing plastic
- Former cycling advocate in Vancouver Area Cycling Coalition
Jessé Neri