(still developing article)
ways of defining sustainability done to death, but must explain criteria included in our chosen "definition"
show context and perspective of sustainability in engineering practice
circular economy
doughnut economics
corporate social responsibility evolves to sustainability - controlling waste, giving and volunteering gives way to ...
mitigation and adaptation
Think differently about sustainability (Youtube) - unless we work within the interconnected systems, good intentions can result in far bigger problems - sustainability thinking: self preservation, understanding interconnected systems and interconnections, do more with less. sustainability is an opportunity to exercise creativity to do more with less. stop layering simple solutions on top of simple solutions to respond to complex problems.
resilience - safe to fail, adaptive cycles in non-equilibrium context, adaptive capacity requirements, ability to respond to disturbances without collapsing
Ecology and Society (Youtube) - adaptive cycle detailed
Welcome to the Anthropocene - Resilience MOOC - Stockholm Resilience Centre (Youtube) - rethinking sustainability?
Engineering or ecological resilience (Youtube) - ecological and engineering resiliences
Applying Resilience Thinking - 7 principles to build resilience - apply resilience thinking
Evolution of Resilience - Stockholm Resilience Centre (Youtube)
Resilience and interaction - Youtube lost - emergent property of a relationship between a whole system and it's environment, how parts interrelate is as important as optimizing the parts. Design and manage for the whole. need both effective parts and effective overall structures. value and manage natural capital, or the functioning services ecosystems we derive services from. manage for the connection between things emerges from managing for the whole. circular economy. services economy (access over ownership). whole life cycle and responsive -- adaptive capacity and regenerative systems.
resilience includes learning and adaptation, system self-organization, and feedback loops; related to social-ecological systems (complex adaptive systems); bounce back with similar structure, function and feedback systems. see also elinor ostrom.
resilience of what with respect to what for whom?
critical functionality curve perspective for engineering resilience vs. David Woods (rebound, robustness, extensibility, sustained adaptability)?
Rockstrom's Planetary Boundaries and Kate Raworth's doughnut economics
- is it reasonable to expect silos of specialists to exercise perfect predictability in projects?